Second book in the Chainfire Trilogy and the 10th(?) book in the Sword
of the Truth serie by Terry Goodkind. I was recomended this
serie by my friend's fiancé and he let me loan his first
book. I was emediatly taken by the power Richard Cypher have
in the book. If I can say that I have fallen in love with
a fantasy character it must be Richard. His love for his wife Kahlan
is so great that I actually get goose bumps on my arms of
just pure pleasure. I wish somebody would love me that
deeply!!! It almost heartbreaking to read and feel
the love in your soul like it is you that love Kahlan!
The story starts in the Westland and in the woods of Hearland. From here
the journey goes through the Boundary and into the Midlands. This
is a huge change in Richards live as he grew up without knowing magic
at all. Now he is in the land of magic itself. The journey is dangerous and
hard, but they manage it barely holding on to their lives...
The book(s) offer lots of surprises and sudden turns which keeps
you intreagued all the way. I personally loved the book Chainfire
the most, but I also hold the very first book very dear.
If you can overlook that the author have a bad habbit of
repeating himself (he's afraid that you didn't get how things
work the first two times he wrote it) I would very
much recomend this book to anybody who loves a great
fantasy story and love stories. These are some of the best
books I have ever read and I hope you too will be able
to read them some day.:o)